Online Reservations

Antrim Streamside is the perfect venue for special events or a memorable getaway for anyone seeking the allure and beauty of the Catskills. We look forward to having you Go Streamside with us! Please note that the Stone Cottage is our only pet-friendly accommodation.

Step 1 of 4
1 Dates
2 Accommodations
3 Enhancements
4 Confirmation

Your Selections

Are your dates flexible? Use the calendar below to search for availability that works for you!
  • Use the navigation buttons to move forward (and back) in time so you can see when we have availability.
  • Found dates with availability? Click on the calendar below or enter them above to find available rates!
  • An asterisk (*) indicates nights that may have rate restrictions or special requirements.

Streamside Stories

Read our current updates and press mentions.

Weddings and Events

Antrim Streamside is the premiere location for events in the Catskills.

Experience the Catskills

Learn about all there is to do in our Field Guide to Streamside Pursuits.